Former CPI(M) MP Lakshman Seth recently shared some exciting news – he tied the knot for the second time just a few days ago. The newly surfaced photograph showcases the happy couple, Lakshman Seth and his second wife, Manashi Dey, radiating joy on their special day.
Manashi Dey, a native of Kolkata, holds a prominent position as the head of a prestigious five-star hotel in the city. Seth’s path crossed with Dey’s through a mutual acquaintance in Kolkata, leading to their initial connection. Over time, their bond grew stronger, culminating in the decision to embark on the journey of marriage.
In a recent legal ceremony held in Kolkata, Lakshman Seth and Manashi Dey united in marriage. The domestic event witnessed the heartfelt exchange of garlands between the couple. Initially, Seth confirmed his marriage but opted to keep the identity of his new wife undisclosed. However, eventually, the photographs capturing the blissful moments of the newlyweds were revealed to the public.
Lakshman Seth, a once influential leader and former Tamluk MP associated with the CPI(M), is currently 78 years old. In 2016, he experienced the loss of his first wife, Tamalika Panda Seth, who was also a former Mahishadal MLA. Lakshman and Tamalika were blessed with two sons during their marriage.
Speaking to the media after his recent marriage, Seth said that he had been grappling with profound loneliness following the passing of his first wife. “I was suffering from intense loneliness since the death of my first wife. That is why I decided to get married for the second time,” he said.
“I will soon organize a function to celebrate the wedding reception in Kolkata. Leaders from other political parties, in addition to members from my own current party, will be invited to attend. Apart from Congress, members of other political parties will also be present,” Seth said.
He also expressed his desire to return to his hometown of Haldia to carry out the post-wedding ceremony following the event in Kolkata.
The news of Seth’s second marriage has reached Trinamool MLA Madan Mitra, who extended his congratulations to the newlyweds upon hearing the news. In his own words, Madan Mitra remarked, “As age increases, love increases. If he invites me, I will bring red roses. I will tell Lakshmanada, O Lovely!”