By Pankaj Upadhyay: Shiv Sena (UBT) chief Uddhav Thackeray on Friday said the party will again approach the court if Maharashtra Assembly Speaker Rahul Narwekar takes any “wrong decision” regarding the disqualification of the 16 rebel Shiv Sena MLAs. He described the Eknath Shinde-led government as “illegal”.
Uddhav Thackeray made the comments in response to the Supreme Court’s judgment on the Maharashtra political crisis, where it directed the Maharashtra Assembly Speaker to decide the fate of the 16 MLAs, including Chief Minister Eknath Shinde, who were accused of anti-party activities.
“The relief to this present government is interim. The Speaker should decide on the matter at the earliest. If he gives any wrong decision, we will again go to the court,” he said.
“The court has clearly said that the Shinde-BJP government is illegal. Now as the court judgement has come. We will go to the people’s court. The court has said everything about the illegality of the present government,” Uddhav Thackeray stated.
Citing the Supreme Court’s judgment that he could have been reinstated as chief minister had he not resigned, Thackeray said this implied that actions of the governor, like calling upon him for a floor test, were illegal. He added he resigned on moral grounds.
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“This means the existing government is illegal. I am satisfied with my decision because I resigned out of morality,” the Shiv Sena (UBT) chief said.
“I want to call out to Narendra Modi as well. We might have political differences but this kind of ‘nanga naach’ that’s going on needs to stop so that democracy is not disgraced,” he further said.
Hitting out at former Maharashtra governor Bhagat Singh Koshyari, Uddhav Thackeray said the governor’s post should be abolished.
“The institute of the governor needs to be abolished if he continues to act in his own will and not bound by the rules. Former governor Bhagat Singh Koshyari is working for the RSS,” he alleged.
On the other hand, Uddhav Thackeray’s party colleague Anil Parab said they would write to the Speaker, demanding him to take a call on the disqualification of the 16 MLAs at the earliest.
ALSO READ | Shiv Sena (UBT) sets 15-day deadline for Assembly speaker to act on disqualification issue
“We have been saying that this government is illegal. The important role is of the whip. The whip of that time was of Sunil Prabhu (MLA from the Thackeray camp) and it was violated which has been well established. The Speaker should not take much time to decide on it,” he said.
“There is no escape for the rebel MLAs and there is little time left for them. If the speaker doesn’t take the decision on time, we have the right to approach the court yet again and this has been said by the court,” Parab stated.
(with inputs from ANI and PTI)