By Pramod Madhav: In another case of honour killing, a 47-year-old man killed his son for marrying a woman from a Scheduled Caste (SC) in Tamil Nadu’s Krishnagiri district. The man also killed his mother for trying to protect her grandson.
According to the police, the suspect, Dhandapani, is a resident of Arunapathi village. His son, Subash, was working at a private company in Thiruppur, where he fell in love and married a Dalit woman, Anusuya, two weeks ago without informing his family.
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Police said when Dhandapani came to know about the incident, he invited Subash and his wife to his house on the pretext of a discussion. He then hacked them with a sickle.
Police said Subash died on the spot and his grandmother, who tried to stop Dhandapani also died after being fatally attacked.
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Subash’s wife, Anusuya, was rescued by neighbours and taken to Uthangarai Government Hospital.
Dhandapani has been on the run ever since the incident took place and police have launched a manhunt to locate him.