By Munish Chandra Pandey: Days after Chetan Kumar Ahimsa was arrested by Bengaluru Police over his anti-Hindutva remark, the Kannada actor said that his Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI) card has been revoked by the government.
Chetan Kumar Ahimsa was arrested over his tweet saying “Hindutva is built on lies” after a complaint was filed saying that his remark hurt religious sentiments.
The actor is currently on bail following his arrest by the Bengaluru in March.
On Saturday, Chetan Kumar Ahimsa tweeted, “Union Home Ministry canceled my visa to stay in India yesterday (April 14) on Ambedkar Jayanti.”
This is not the first time Chetan Ahimsa’s comment drew a sharp reaction.
He was arrested in February 2022 for a tweet against Karnataka High Court Justice Krishna Dixit, who was then hearing the hijab case.
In another instance, an FIR was also lodged against Chetan Kumar in October 2022 for making “derogatory” remarks about the movie Kantara. Chetan, in his comments on ‘Kantara’ movie, said that the cultural existence of tribal mingled with Brahmanism.