By Anupam Mishra: The police in Balurghat have arrested two Trinamool workers after the BJP alleged that tribal women were allegedly forced to perform ‘dandavat parikrama’ as a ‘punishment’ for joining the BJP. The accused have been identified as Biswanth Das and Anand Roy and have been arrested under the relevant sections of the IPC and SC/ST Act.
However, the Bengal BJP unit has questioned these arrests and asked why ‘no action’ has been taken against TMC district mahila chief Pradipta Chakraborty.
The Adivasi women were first made to perform dandavat in front of local TMC workers and Pradipta Chakraborty as a form of penance and then forced to rejoin the ruling party in Balurghat in North Dinajpur district, the BJP claimed. The TMC then sacked Pradipta Chakraborty after the video of the incident went viral on social media.
In a letter addressed to the National Commission of Scheduled Tribes, Bengal BJP chief Sukanta Majumdar wrote, “There has been no action taken against the main accused, Pradipta Chakraborty.The incident in question has caused great concern among the Schedule Tribes community,and it is disheartening to see that the main accused is still at large.”
“We have evidence that she is seen in videos and giving press bytes regarding the same incident. Despite this, the police have arrested Anand and Biswanth who have no connection to the incidents that have taken place, their arrest only serves to safeguard the main accused,” the letter read.
ALSO READ | Scheduled Tribes panel writes to Bengal top cop after tribal women made to perform ‘dandavat parikrama’
The BJP alleged that out of around 200 tribal women from Tapan in South Dinajpur district had joined the party and four of them, however, succumbed to the TMC’s threats to perform forceful ‘dandavat parikrama’.
TMC had removed its South Dinajpur Mahila wing president Pradipta Chakraborty, a day after Adivasi TMC joinees were made to ‘crawl’ on the road. Chakraborty was immediately replaced by a tribal leader, Snehalata Hembram.
ALSO READ | TMC changes district mahila chief after BJP accuses party of making tribal women perform dandavat parikrama