As per the FIR, the encounter was carried out by a 12-member STF team led by Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) Navendu Kumar Naveen and DSP Vimal Kumar Singh. A team led by Vimal Kumar went to Barigaon and Parichha, while another team led by Navendu Kumar headed to Chirgaon. When Asad and Ghulam were sighted, police asked them to stop their motorcycle and surrender. However, instead of stopping, they sped up their vehicle and stopped just ahead of the Pariccha dam turning. “The police team went after them and tried to stop them repeatedly and wanted to capture them alive. During the chase, the motorcycle slipped and fell near a babool tree. Asad and Ghulam threatened to kill the police team, abused them and started firing at them. The police retaliated by firing back at Asad and Ghulam. After some time, there was no firing from their side,” the FIR said. After the firing, the police found Asad and Ghulam injured and were taken to a hospital, where they succumbed to their injuries. But when India Today reached the crime scene, it found that the road on which Asad and Ghulam were killed was unpaved and therefore, they could not have sped up the motorcycle. Watch this report to find out more on police FIR.