The Kerala Story has emerged as a blockbuster and is about to cross the Rs. 200 crore mark in a few days. It tells the story of three women from Kerala whose lives are destroyed after their roommate brainwashes them and compels them to not just change their religion but also join ISIS. While many have praised the film and its content, a section of society has labelled it as a ‘propaganda film’. Also, the manner in which the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), the ruling party at the Centre, has gone all out and extended support to the film, raised questions.
Vipul Shah BREAKS silence on The Kerala Story getting backing from the government: “If this topic has touched the chord of one political party and if the other political parties don’t want to feel their pain, that’s their choice”
At the press conference of The Kerala Story held on Wednesday, May 15, producer Vipul Shah was asked if he’s happy that the central government and several BJP-led state governments are backing the film as it suits their agenda.
Vipul Shah replied, “What is very important is that this film is about bringing the pain of these girls to the fore. If anybody, irrespective of any party or any political ideology, wants to support their cause, we will welcome them. We invite all the political parties to come together. If this topic has touched the chord of one political party and if the other political parties don’t want to feel their pain, that’s their choice. But as far as we are concerned, we are welcoming all of them. We want everybody’s strength to come together so that we can clean our country of this menace. For that, everybody will be required. So, it is upon them to join the pain of these women.”
Also present at the press conference were producer Vipul Shah and actors Adah Sharma, Yogita Bihani, Sonia Balani and Siddhi Idnani. Moreover, 26 women from Aarsha Vidya Samajam, Kerala also graced the press conference. The makers claimed that they were brainwashed similarly to the characters in The Kerala Story.
Also Read: The Kerala Story press conference: Director Sudipto Sen BREAKS silence on criticism that the film shows Muslims in bad light: “We were not here to do the balancing act; we have actually done service to the Islamic religion”
More Pages: The Kerala Story Box Office Collection
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