Vidya Balan, the talented powerhouse of Bollywood, continues to amaze everyone with her multifaceted abilities. The actress has been captivating audiences with her engaging content on Instagram reel. In a recent revelation, Vidya Balan shared a remarkable achievement during her presence at the Jaipur Literary Festival, held at Soneva Fushi. Not only is Vidya Balan known for her exceptional acting prowess, but she also showcased her musical talents at the festival. In an exciting and unprecedented moment, Vidya Balan picked up a musical instrument called the small nagada and played it for the very first time.
Vidya Balan mesmerizes fans with her mastery of Indian drums in captivating Instagram reel; watch
Recently Vidya took to her Instagram and shared a video where she can be saying musical instrument. Sharing the video, she wrote in caption, “Always the right time to learn something new
Thank you #JLFSonevaFushi and @solankinathulal ji mazaa aa gaya !
The curious and versatile actor is an eager artist which is not only evident from her experimental and pioneering roles in movies but also her social media content. Participating in trends on Instagram even while bringing her own unique brand of humour to the gram, Vidya Balan has perfectly mastered the art of winning hearts of audiences. From re-enacting dialogues on reels, singing for the gram to stunning everyone with her astonishing transition and fashion feels and of course the latest where she is seen trying her hand at a musical instrument, Vidya Balan’s social media game is on point!
On the professional front, Vidya Balan is eagerly anticipating the release of her upcoming film, Neeyat, scheduled to hit the theatres on July 7. This much-awaited project holds special significance as it marks Vidya Balan’s return to the big screen after the pandemic-induced hiatus that affected the film industry worldwide. The anticipation surrounding Neeyat is palpable as fans and movie enthusiasts are thrilled to witness Vidya Balan’s captivating presence once again in the theatre experience.
Also Read: Vidya Balan joins forces with Bhamla Foundation to fight against single-use plastic
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