Earlier this week, Anurag Kashyap had announced the premiere of his thriller Kennedy featuring Sunny Leone and Rahul Bhat. The film is expected to be a crime drama and will have the Jism 2 actress playing a different role in the film. Opening up about her collaboration with the Gangs of Wasseypur filmmaker, Sunny recalled the time she had auditioned for the film. The actress mentioned that she was so ‘stressful’ that she felt like it was ‘the worst exam’ she had ever given in her life.
Sunny Leone says her audition for Anurag Kashyap’s Kennedy was ‘stressful’; says, “It is the worst exam I have taken”
While talking to Galatta Plus about Kennedy, Sunny Leone opened up about the audition she gave for the film and revealed that it wasn’t just a couple of people, she had to audition in front of but an entire team. She said, “I went in expecting maybe it was going to be him and a producer. But it was his entire team and it’s mainly all female and they’re all sitting in the room. The ADs, the assistants, everyone is sitting in this room. I’m giving this audition, so nervous. Don’t know why, I’m very nervous, I’m scared because it’s outside of my comfort zone. Having 10 people staring at you, thinking these people are judging you on the spot and are going to say yes or no.”
She continued, “Then once it was finished, he turned to his team, which then became even more scary. He said, ‘So guys what do you think?’ I was like, this is the worst exam I have taken in my entire life. He was very happy. It was good, it was unanimous. I passed the test.”
Kennedy is written and directed by Anurag Kashyap. It is produced by Zee Studios, Ranjan Singh & Kabir Ahuja. The DOP of the film is Sylvester Fonseca. The music supervisor of the film is Ashish Narula and songs are by Aamir Aziz & Boyblanck. The film will premiere at Festival De Cannes 2023 in May.
Also Read: Sunny Leone and Anurag Kashyap’s Kennedy stands tall as the sole Indian film chosen for the highly anticipated 76th Cannes Film Festival
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