Zee TV’s fiction show Maitree focuses on the journey of Maitree (Shrenu Parikh) and her soul sister, Nandini (Bhaweeka Chaudhary) who have been inseparable since childhood. However, after the 6-year leap, the dynamics of Maitree and Nandini’s relationship have changed drastically and the entry of Harsh (Samarth Jurel), is causing unintentional interference in Maitree’s start-up. While the audience can certainly expect some high-voltage drama coming their way, the Maitree team very recently completed 100 episodes!
Shrenu Parikh-Bhaweeka Chaudhary starrer show Maitree completes 100 episodes; cast expresses gratitude
The wonderful milestone was celebrated on the set with a small cake-cutting ceremony. The entire team had a gala time as they cherished this special occasion together. Be it the cast members or the spot boy, everyone was extremely thrilled to have made it this far with their show.
Shrenu Parikh asserted, “We have got overwhelming appreciation from the audience for our show and this achievement would not have been possible without their love and support. In fact, it seems like it was just yesterday when we started shooting for the show, I can’t believe we have hit 100 episodes already. Our viewers have shown us, incredible love, especially towards our characters, and I hope that they will continue to shower us with love.”
Namish Taneja also said, “I am in a state of contentment now and this will stay with me for a while because this is my first show with Zee TV, and I am glad we have completed 100 episodes. We celebrated this special moment with the whole cast of the show, and I have to say the viewers have been very supportive and appreciative of our work. I hope that this love will continue forever, and we continue to celebrate many more such milestones in the future.”
Meanwhile, Bhaweeka Chaudhary mentioned, “There is always a feeling of immense pride to see that the show you are working on is doing well and the characters are being loved so much. We all are really working hard to get viewers’ love and support, and when that finally happens, nothing feels more valuable than that moment.”
Samarth Jurel commented, “100 episodes is indeed a milestone worth celebrating and I am so glad that I got this opportunity. Everyone onset is so welcoming and kind, it just doesn’t feel like that I have joined the show recently. It is such a great feeling to know that our show is receiving so much of love from the viewers. And I think I can say it on behalf of the team that we will always give our hundred percent to entertain them.”
Also Read: Maitree star Shrenu Parikh confesses she was nervous to shoot with an infant; says, “Someday, I can become a good mother”
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