Jio Studios recently unveiled its upcoming slate in India that features over 100 movie and web series titles including Shah Rukh Khan-starrer Dunki, a film with Amitabh Bachchan and sequels to Bhediya and Stree. Numerous famous people were sighted there, including Shahid Kapoor, Hrithik Roshan, Abhishek Bachchan, Aamir Khan, Varun Dhawan, Kriti Sanon, Tiger Shroff, and Anil Kapoor. But when Shraddha Kapoor got there, she shifted the spotlight to her. Since Shraddha Kapoor entered the industry, we have come to like her girl-next-door sensibility. Her collection is the perfect combination of casual dresses, breezy kurtas, casual separates, party-ready outfits, and opulent lehengas, as evidenced by a short check through her style files. Her style varies depending on the occasion, straddling the lines between relaxed, stylish, and casual, but she obviously has a soft spot for sarees.
Shraddha Kapoor’s glitzy red saree by Manish Malhotra is the true essence of ethnic glam
Shraddha Kapoor definitely got the memo of the event and delivered like no one else could. The Bollywood actress wore an ethnic outfit at the recent Jio Studios event that was both modern and stylish for the illustrious occasion. Shraddha chose a crimson sequin saree with red bead work running vertically down its length from the racks at Manish Malhotra. When she wore it over her shoulder, the thin drape it had made her blouse visible. Her crimson blouse of choice had a plunging front, halter neck, and banded fit, which added a contemporary twist to the ethnic style. With flowing waves running the length of her hair, Shraddha had her hair parted in the middle. Her skin had hints of bronze all over it and was dewy. Her defined eye makeup added a smokey touch without overpowering the look while she wore nude lipstick and black brows.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Shraddha was recently seen in film Tu Jhoothi Mai Makkar alongside Ranbir Kapoor. The film got rave reviews from audience and critics alike. She will be next seen in Stree 2 with Rajkummar Rao. Shraddha also has Bhool Chuk maaf opposite Kartik Aaryan in works.
ACTRESS: Shraddha Kapoor
OUTFIT: Manish Malhotra
STYLIST: Lakshmi Lehr
Also Read: Shraddha Kapoor gives the best reaction to paparazzi telling her that her presence makes films cross Rs. 100 crores
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