Megastar Shah Rukh Khan, who recently gave a blockbuster with Pathaan, was recently seen doing a photo shoot with his family. It was for Gauri Khan’s coffee table book and they had come together for family portraits. She announced her book back on March 26. Now, more unseen photos have been released on social media.
Shah Rukh Khan poses with Gauri, Aryan, Suhana and AbRam Khan in unseen photos
Shah Rukh, Gauri, Suhana Khan, Aryan and AbRam wore black and white coordinated outfits. The family was all smiles as fans called them “Pathaan family”. The brothers twinned with their father in terms of the colour of the outfits with leather jackets.
In one of the photos, SRK and Aryan wore white t-shirts with olive green jackets as they looked into the camera to pose together.
Meanwhile, recently, Shah Rukh Khan was included in Time magazine’s annual 100 Most Influential People of 2023. The actor is in the list of Icons for the year 2023 which includes stars like Pedro Pascal, Angela Bassett, Michael B. Jordan, Doja Cat, Ke Huy Quan and Jennifer Coolidge among others. SRK’s Pathaan co-star Deepika Padukone penned a note for him and called him a ‘phenomenon’.
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