After a great kick start to 2023 with Pathaan success and later the Oscars, Deepika Padukone recently left her fans enthralled as she joined the list of rare Indian celebrities who featured on the cover of Time Magazine. In a candid interview with magazine, as the actress discussed about professional achievements and her personal camaraderie with people, she was asked about her marriage with Ranveer Singh. In the midst of this conversation, Padukone was surprised to see her husband make a visit.
Ranveer Singh surprises Deepika Padukone during an interview; couple hold hands and share a kiss leaving DeepVeer fans thrilled
Ranveer Singh dropped by the sets when Deepika Padukone was being interviewed by TIME magazine. Ranveer was quickly making an exit after exchanging a brief kiss and informing that he decided to drop in because he was shooting nearby. As he was making an exit, Deepika called out to her husband, informing him that he exactly entered in the moment, when she was being asked about her married life. “What a cosmic thing to have happened”, reacted Ranveer. He went on to add they have been married for, ‘Four, four and half years’, as Deepika added, “It will be five this year.” Ranveer continued, “We’ve been together for about 10-11 years now.”
Deepika was also seen blushing and laughing as the couple were holding hands and answering the questions as Ranveer confessed, “I’m not ready for this yaa… I just came to say ‘hi’.” Deepika went on to add, “I just want to say to everyone that this cosmic. Like we didn’t plan for him to be here but he is. I’ll answer the question, don’t worry,” she concluded as Ranveer made an exit from the room.
If that was not all, the video also saw Deepika Padukone opening about her marriage with Ranveer Singh. She said, “My husband and I, we love spending time together. I married my best friend. I think the fact that we are so goofy with each other, I can feel absolutely like myself with him. My most vulnerable, most clumsy and most expressive with him. We have known each other for 10 years now. Now it is my happy place”.
The interview also received a lot of love from DeepVeer fans, who have been disappointed with the ongoing reports about the actors’ alleged separation. Going by the comments section, many of the users added that they looked like a couple who were ‘truly in love’.
Also Read: Deepika Padukone shares her views on marriage; says, “There’s a lack of patience”
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