In a heartfelt homage to his late mother, actor Prateik Babbar has announced his decision to change his name to Prateik Patil Babbar. He has mentioned that this significant step is to signify the deep connection he shares with his mother, the iconic actress Smita Patil, and it is gratitude towards her for the profound impact she has had on his life and career.
Prateik Babbar pays tribute to late mother Smita Patil; changes name to Prateik Patil Babbar
In the past, Prateik Babbar has often spoken about his mother’s influential presence and the enduring impact she continues to have on his artistic journey. The late Smita Patil remains an iconic figure in Indian cinema, known for her powerhouse performances and unwavering commitment to her craft. Talking to us Prateik shared his heartfelt sentiments, stating, “With the blessings of my father & my entire family.. my late maternal grandparents & my late mother. I have decided to add my mother’s last name as my middle name.. giving birth to my new screen name ‘Prateik Patil Babbar’.. part superstitious part sentimental.. when my name appears in film credits or anywhere for that matter.”
He added, “I want it to be a reminder to myself.. the people.. & the audience.. of her extraordinary & remarkable legacy.. of my legacy.. a reminder of her brilliance & greatness.. my mother will be a part of each & every endeavor I put my energies into.. not that she wasn’t a part before.. but having her last name as part of my name just solidifies the sentiment.. it’ll be 37 years this year since she left us.. gone but not forgotten.. & I will make sure she is never forgotten.. smita patil will live on through my name.. quite literally”
This decision to include his mother’s last name, Patil, is also a way to embrace his own identity and roots, while honouring the powerful lineage he belongs to.
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