Prabhas is currently gearing up for the highly awaited release of his upcoming film Adipurush, which is generating immense anticipation among fans. In a significant gesture, the actor embarked on a journey from Hyderabad to Tirupati on Monday to seek blessings from Sri Venkateshwara Swamy. In preparation of pre-release event, Prabhas made a visit to seek the blessings of Lord Balaji in the wee hours of Tuesday. Numerous photos and videos of Prabhas at the Tirupati temple have emerged on social media. The actor, surrounded by tight security, took the time to acknowledge his fans and wave to them during his visit to the temple, creating a memorable moment for everyone involved.
Prabhas seeks divine blessings at Tirupati Balaji temple ahead of Adipurush event
Prabhas was captured in a photo alongside his team, with a group of police officers standing nearby. Prabhas opted for a traditional attire, wearing a lungi. He was seen smiling as he rode in a cart, exuding a cheerful demeanour. As he arrived at the temple, Prabhas warmly greeted his fans and the paparazzi, acknowledging their presence. For the occasion, he wore a white kurta and dhoti, embracing traditional attire. Inside the temple, Prabhas was presented with a red shawl, which he gracefully draped around himself. Before departing from the venue, the actor reciprocated the love of his fans by smiling and waving at them.
Talking about the film, directed by Om Raut, Adipurush will be making its international premiere at the Tribeca Festival in New York on June 13, 2023. Produced by T-Series, Bhushan Kumar & Krishan Kumar, Om Raut, Prasad Sutar, and Rajesh Nair of Retrophiles, it is scheduled to release worldwide on June 16, 2023.
Also Read: Prabhas starrer Adipurush made on a budget of Rs. 500 cr. recovers Rs. 432 cr. before its release
More Pages: Adipurush Box Office Collection
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