Actor Mithila Palkar rose to fame with her YouTube web series Girl In The City and Little Things, which were highly acclaimed by the audience. The actress had the opportunity to share the screen with late actor Irrfan Khan. In the comedy-drama Karwaan, directed by Akarsh Khurana, the two co-starred. Recently, Mithila revealed how, like many others, she was awestruck by the late actor. She added that Irrfan seemed rather down to earth, in contrast to many famous people.
Mithila Palkar lauds Karwaan co-star Irrfan Khan; says, “I used to forget that I am his co-actor and not his audience”
Recalling her experience of working with Irrfan, Mithila told Cyrus Broacha on his podcast, “It was scary because he is who he is, but he made it so easy. It was so much fun to just watch him. I used to forget that I am his co-actor and not his audience. As characters, we are not supposed to get along but there were so many funny things he said with a straight face that I just laughed, which I was not supposed to do since I was playing a character who doesn’t like him. I took proper 10-12 days to just constantly tell myself that I cannot laugh at his jokes.”
Irrfan used to refer to Mithila as Binaca Geetmala while she was humming and singing on the Karwaan set. For the unversed, beginning in the 1950s, Binaca Geetmala was a weekly radio programme that featured a ranking of the greatest Hindi movie songs.
The young star also remarked on Irrfan’s eagerness to learn and willingness to sit down with her to learn how YouTube operates. Mithila said, “After Karwaan, he had to shoot for something on the internet for a web show. So, he was curious to know how the internet works. Because he knew that I came from that world, he was not embarrassed, ashamed or anything of that sort, there was no ego play that ‘ab main isko kaise poochun?’ (How do I ask her?) He sat me down and asked me who watches it, how does YouTube work?”
Irrfan Khan passed away in April 2020 following his battle with cancer. The actor was last seen in Angrezi Medium. In an emotional message in March 2018, the late actor shared the news of his cancer diagnosis and that he was getting treated in the UK.
Also Read: EXCLUSIVE: Ori Devuda actress Mithila Palkar opens up about what it is like to work in the South industry: “I went into it thinking I’ll end up feeling alone”
More Pages: Karwaan Box Office Collection , Karwaan Movie Review
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