Zee TV’s ongoing show, Kundali Bhagya, which has been running for 5 years now, recently witnessed a massive 20-year leap. Along with that, the viewers also witnessed the entry of Paras Kalnawat, Baseer Ali and Sana Sayyad as Rajveer Luthra, Shaurya Luthra and Palki Khurana respectively. In reel life their entry has caused quite a bit of drama, in real life, the actors, who met each other on the sets of the show, seems to have created a unique bond with each other.
Kundali Bhagya star Paras Kalnawat recalls how co-star Sana Sayyad cared for him after an accident; calls her ‘kind-hearted and supporting’
Opening about one such bond is Paras Kalnawat that he has created with co-star Sana Sayyad, who is also expected to play the role of his love interest in the show. The actor confessed that although it has been only about a month that they have been shooting together, they have bonded really well. Talking about his equation with Sana, Paras Kalnawat said, “The relationship between me and Sana is quite different off-screen compared to what audiences get to watch on-screen. Sana is not only a considerate actor but also a kind-hearted and supporting one. We share a very special bond.”
He opened up about a recent incident, adding, “In fact, recently I got hurt on set while shooting an action sequence and she took care of me like a good friend. During our rehearsals and breaks, we often engage in conversations about various topics, which indirectly helps in developing our onscreen chemistry. And now I can say, working with her has become effortless and enjoyable. She is an amazing professional, and I am sure we will have a gala time shooting further with each other.”
On the other hand, talking about Rajveer and Palki’s onscreen chemistry, we hear that fans of the show are already loving it and have even created a hashtag for them called #PalVeer.
Talking about the ongoing track of the show, it currently focuses on the three main characters of Rajveer, Palki and Shaurya. In the recent turn of events in the last few episodes, Rajveer, who was unaware of reality about his parents, gets to know the truth about Preeta and Karan Luthra (Shraddha Arya and Shakti Anand). How will he deal with this will be the major focus in the upcoming episodes.
Kundali Bhagya airs from Monday to Sunday at 9:30 pm on Zee TV.
Also Read: “Such sequences are challenging and a true test of an actor’s calibre,” reveals Shraddha Arya of Kundali Bhagya
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