The upcoming weekend episode of Sony Entertainment Television’s dance reality show, ‘India’s Best Dancer 3’ will be celebrating the ‘Cinema ke 110 Saal, Bemisaal’. Paying tribute to the incredible journey of Indian cinema, the contestants, along with their choreographers will be performing to the tunes of Bollywood stalwarts like Raj Kapoor, Kishore Kumar, Shammi Kapoor, RD Burman, Amitabh Bachchan, along with Bollywood’s most iconic jodis like that of Dharmendra and Hema Malini, Rishi Kapoor and Neetu Singh among others. Adding an extra dose of entertainment to this extravaganza will be the ace filmmaker and choreographer, Farah Khan will be joining as the esteemed guest in the judge panel along with Geeta Kapur, Sonali Bendre, and Terence Lewis.
India’s Best Dancer 3: Geeta Kapur shares the judges’ panel with mentor Farah Khan in this special episode
Readers would be aware that Farah Khan has been an integral part of Indian cinema over the years and as a guest on the show, the choreographer-filmmaker will also reflect upon the Guru- Shishya Parampara of the show, as she reunites with her student, Geeta Kapur. Talking about the unique proposition of this format, wherein the mentor dances with the mentee, Farah Khan said, “The good thing about India’s Best Dancer 3 is that they follow a guru-shishya tradition, which I believe has been lost in modern times. We do not appreciate this tradition enough. Michael Jackson was my guru, even though he did not actually train me. A guru is someone you look up to and learn from. As the show advances, I can see so many shishyas turning into gurus, and soon, I’m sure, I’ll see one of them sitting in the judge’s chair. This is a terrific opportunity for them to learn, grow and respect what they are doing.”
An elated Geeta Kapur expressed her feelings about sharing the judges’ panel with her guru, Farah Khan, adding, “It’s always overwhelming to be sitting next to Farah Khan; every student aspires to at least try and reach their guru’s stature. To sit next to her and share the same panel with her is an achievement for me. I look forward to these moments as they remind me of where I come from, it takes me back to where I started my journey. We hardly get the time to spend with each other as we both are busy with our work schedules, and hence every opportunity we get to meet each other, I get extremely overwhelmed. We are celebrating 110 years of cinema and I cannot think of a better personality to be here today. I think she represents the evolving times of Indian cinema; she brought a new trend with her, a new way of shooting songs and a new way of showcasing films. She has always been a trendsetter; it’s always a great joy to work under her because she has pushed me to try and create something new; and that’s something that has always kept me going.”
India’s Best Dancer 3 airs at 8 pm on Saturday and Sunday, on Sony Entertainment Television.
Also Read: India’s Best Dancer 3: Raftaar and ‘Akshay Masterji Pal’ dance to ‘Baby Marvake Maanegi’
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