Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar has often made headlines for charging high fees. Unfortunately, the actor has had a series of unsuccessful films and his latest film Selfiee also did not perform well at the box office. Recently, Taran Adarsh, the renowned film critic and trade analyst, spoke about Akshay Kumar reducing his price. He also asserted that almost every actor now is also a businessman.
EXCLUSIVE: Taran Adarsh believes actors are “smart businessmen”; says, “Be it Aamir Khan, Shah Rukh Khan, or Salman Khan, they know their economics very well”
In an exclusive video interview with Bollywood Hungama, when Taran Adarsh was asked whether Akshay should he be raising his market price, he said, “I believe he has reduced his price. But this question can be best answered by Akshay Kumar himself.”
Taran also spoke about how actors have now become smart businessmen. He said, “A lot of actors today I know are going into profit sharing, which is a very positive sign. If your film does well, you will get the money and I think all the actors today are producers themselves. They know the economics. They know how and from where the recovery is happening. Be it Shah Rukh Khan or Salman Khan, they are well aware. They are very smart businessmen. Just don’t think they are very creatively inclined, and they know only about acting and delivering as an actor. Be it Aamir Khan, Shah Rukh Khan, or Salman Khan, they know their economics very well.”
At the Hindustan Times Leadership Summit in November 2022, Akshay had spoken candidly about the expensive movie tickets in India. He had said, “There are so many other things that need to be done and not just by the actors but the producers and theatres as well. I’ll tell you I want to bring down my price by 30-40%.”
He added, “Theatres need to understand that it’s recession time also. The audience has a limited amount of money to spend on entertainment. You cannot be spending so much on it. Everything has to change. And it’s not just the theatres. We have to work on the cost of making the film. Everything needs to be addressed.”
Also Read: EXCLUSIVE: Taran Adarsh shares his opinion on Salman Khan’s potential beyond “masala stuff”; says, “He needs to work with better directors”
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