Salman Khan-starrer Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan is all set to release on April 21 and the film is in the news, more so after the trailer was released on Monday, April 10. In a unique strategy, the first song of the film ‘Naiyo Lagda’ was released way back on February 14. The track became a huge hit and the makers then released ‘Billi Billi’. This was followed by ‘Jee Rahe The Hum’, ‘Bathukamma’ and ‘Yentamma’. And that’s not all. At the trailer launch, singer Sukhbir revealed that he has worked on one more song besides ‘Billi Billi’ for this film. It’s called ‘Balle Balle’ and will be the next song to be launched.
EXCLUSIVE: Salman Khan-starrer Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan to be a RARE film that will have as many as 8 songs; director Farhad Samji shares EXCITING details
Bollywood Hungama has learnt that Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan has as many as 8 tracks in the film. In today’s times, when filmmakers prefer to have not more than 3-4 songs or even for a song-less film, Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan is a rare exception.
Bollywood Hungama exclusively spoke to director Farhad Samji about this aspect and how easy or challenging it was for him to insert so many songs in the script and to ensure justice is done to each one of them.
Farhad Samji said, “Out of the 8, 5 of them are full-fledged songs. But 3 of them go as per the story. We can’t even edit them as the story is moving during those songs. Hence, aap jab film dekhoge, toh aapko aisa nahin lagega ki aapne 8 gaane dekh liye. Of course, Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan is a musical film for sure.”
Farhad Samji further said, “The next song which will be out is ‘Balle Balle’, by Sukhbir. Even that track will take the story forward. We are sure it’ll hold the audience.”
While ‘Naiyo Lagda’ is composed by Himesh Reshammiya, ‘Jee Rahe The Hum’ is an Amaal Malik composition. ‘Billi Billi’ and ‘Balle Balle’ both are by Sukhbir. South sensation Ravi Basrur has composed ‘Bathukamma’ and ‘Yentamma’ is by Payal Dev. The credits of Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan also mention Devi Sri Prasad and Sajid Khan (of Sajid-Wajid fame) and they have composed the last two songs of the film.
Also Read: Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan trailer launch: Farhad Samji says, “Directors ko superstars bhagya se milte hai. Lekin Salman Khan saubhagya se milte hai”; Salman Khan assures “Yeh film best se acchi hai”
More Pages: Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan Box Office Collection
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