Reality show star and actress Divya Agarwal has always been in the limelight for her relationship. After dating her co-contestant on Splitsvilla Priyanka Sharma and breaking up with him, her relationship with another colleague, Varun Sood garnered much interest on social media. However, their public breakup resulted in not only fans being divided but Agarwal had to also face several trolls, especially when she announced her engagement with Apurva Padgaonkar. However, the actress refrained from staying silence and opened up about what went wrong in her relationship with Varun.
Divya Agarwal shuts down trolls after opening up about her breakup with Varun Sood; reveals she ‘made him meet’ her fiancé
Divya Agarwal appeared on a podcast hosted by RJ Anmol and his wife and Bollywood actress Amrita Rao, along with her fiancé Apurva Padgaonkar wherein she confronted these trolls head-on and decided to address her breakup with Varun Sood. In her statement, she confessed that she was not in a happy space during the relationship, even though it appeared otherwise on social media. During the interaction, she said, “What I went through, whoever would have been with me would have lost it. Everything was public, the relationship and the breakup. And when he came, the situation became worse. During the relationship, everything was all happy on social media, but inside I was not happy.”
Further talking about her ‘confusion’, Divya also confessed about the abrupt breakup with Sood adding, “With Varun, I felt all over the place. With Apurva, I would feel calm and mature. I made Varun meet Apurva. I told him clearly that I had a problem. I had a confusion. Whatever has happened is very wrong and it has happened because of me. I need to put a stop somewhere. And that’s why it was an abrupt break-up. I just got the car to a screeching halt,” she added.
She continued, “This thought would always come to my mind that if I was to get married to my now ex (Varun) would I want to invite Apurva and if I invite him, would I be ok seeing him on that side. Apurva has been the most important person in my life. I had so many complex emotions in my head.”
She also spoke about her lack of posts with her husband-to-be Apurva Padgaonkar adding that she is truly found her peace with him even though it is not flaunted on social media, “With Apurva I hardly put any pictures with him but I am very happy. We have never argued. Even his family never questioned or judged me. They would always support me saying, ‘Don’t pay attention to the media, you two stay together’. Apurva knows my heart so well,” she concluded.
Also Read: Divya Agarwal slams trolls after being accused of being a ‘gold digger’ by Varun Sood supporters; asks, “Can’t a woman want a partner who is settled”
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