Actress Anushka Sharma recently opted for a motorcycle as an option to reach shoot locations amid Mumbai traffic. The actress was seen sitting on the pillion seat while her bodyguard drove the bike. After the photos went viral on social media, netizens pointed out that the actress wasn’t wearing a helmet and so did her bodyguard. As per the Motor Vehicle Act, pillion riders are also expected to wear helmets and are fined for flouting the rules. Now, Mumbai Police has fined her bodyguard.
Anushka Sharma’s bodyguard fined Rs. 10,500 by Mumbai Police for riding a bike without helmet and license
Now, the Mumbai Traffic Police has issued a challan against Anushka Sharma’s bodyguard Sonu Shaikh and fined him of Rs. 10,500 for riding the bike without a helmet and a license. On Twitter, Mumbai Traffic Police posted, “Challan has been issued under Sec 129/194(D), Sec 5/180 & Sec 3(1)181 MV act to the driver along with an fine of Rs. 10500 & been paid by the offender.”
Challan has been issued under Sec 129/194(D), Sec 5/180 & Sec 3(1)181 MV act to the driver along with an fine of Rs. 10500 & been paid by the offender.
— Mumbai Traffic Police (@MTPHereToHelp) May 16, 2023
Meanwhile, Anushka Sharma will next star in Chakda Xpress on Netflix. The actress will play the role of cricketer Jhulan Goswami.
ALSO READ: From Anushka Sharma to Sunny Leone, Bollywood’s finest is set to take Cannes 2023 by Storm
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