Bollywood actress Adah Sharma recently took to social media to reveal the challenging experience she faced while shooting for The Kerala Story. In a series of candid pictures, Adah showcased her “cracked lips” and disclosed that she had been dehydrated for a staggering 40 hours on the set. Despite the demanding conditions, the actress expressed her belief that it was all worth it.
Adah Sharma opens up about challenging on-set experience; shares BTS pictures of from The Kerala Story
On Friday, Adah took to her Instagram account and shared a series of BTS pictures from The Kerala Story. One of the images shared by Adah showcased her face with visible bruises, and her lips appeared cracked. Another photograph provided a sneak peek into her bruised look from the film and the shooting location. The final picture shared by the actress depicted her in an adorable pose, with her hair styled in two plaits. Sharing the pictures, she wrote in caption, “Sunkissed ,After and Before from #TheKeralaStory
Secret to chapped cracked lips like these … dehydrate for 40 hours in minus 16 degrees
#sunkissedmakeup #adahsharma @makeupbyshyam
P.S. the mattress was kept to practice the fall… but we didn’t use it #bruisedknees and chila hua elbows but ufff all so worth it. the last pic is a handful of coconut oil in the hair, safety pins and tight plaits.”
With Adah Sharma playing the role of Shalini Unnikrishnan, The Kerala Story is produced by Vipul Amrutlal Shah. The film portrays the story of young South Indian girls who are manipulated into converting their religion and are forcibly made to join the ISIS. While the film is said to be based on true events, a lot of allegations are being made against the film because of its story. The film released in India on May 5, 2023.
Also Read: Adah Sharma on her mobile number being exposed online; says, “The person who leaked it, has been up to some other activities too for a long time”
More Pages: The Kerala Story Box Office Collection
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