Pooja Hegde is busy promoting her upcoming movie Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan alongside Salman Khan which is scheduled to be released in April 2023. The actress takes every measure possible to dress stylishly when promoting the film, just as she does when she is out and about. Pooja enjoys wearing monochrome outfits, and we adore her style just as much as she does. Whether it’s her ethnic choices for celebrations or weddings, her lavish red-carpet gowns, or just her uber-cool travel attire, one thing about Pooja is her love of the trend. This time, Pooja once again served us a stunning looking in monochromatic numbers. There is something about a gorgeous red hue that truly makes it a fabulous pick for almost every occasion and actress Pooja Hegde is making a strong case for the same in a gorgeous red fit.
Pooja Hegde paints the town red in 3D embellished floral co-ord set worth Rs. 2.44 lakh for Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan promotions
Although Pooja has been marketing the film for a while, it is her most recent attire that has caught our eye. She appeared as vibrant as a rose because she was completely covered in red clothing. She acquired her clothing from Magda Butrym’s racks. She chose a red knit miniskirt with beautiful 3D floral decoration that was expertly made using a unique knitting method. She wore a red skirt and an off the shoulder knit top with 3D floral detailing that is just right for the festive season. The cost of Pooja’s attire is Rs. 2,44,872. The attractiveness of the overall outfit was increased by the addition of the stylish red heels and golden earrings. With nude makeup glam and her signature curls that wonderfully complemented her overall look, she made it very stylish and easy.
Meanwhile, the trailer of Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan was recently launched in Mumbai. Salman along with the entire cast including Pooja, Shehnaaz Gill, Palak Tiwari, Jagapathi Babu, Bhumika Chawla, Vijender Singh, Vinali Bhatnagar, Siddharth Nigam, Jassie, Raghav and Sukhbir will be seen in film. The film is all set to hit the theatres on April 21.
ACTRESS: Pooja Hegde
OUTFIT: Magda Butrym
STYLIST: Ami Patel
MAKE-UP: Kajol Mulani
HAIR: Suhas Shinde
Also Read: Pooja Hegde reveals how working in South Indian films has helped her to improvise dialogues in Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan
More Pages: Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan Box Office Collection
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