Zara Hatke Zara Bachke has recorded an impressive trend in its opening weekend with collections of over Rs 22 crore. The run of the film is something that no one anticipated, as a result of which, it is proving to be one of the biggest surprises of 2023. The Laxman Uttekar film starring Vicky Kaushal and Sara Ali Khan in lead had a Buy One Get One Free offer running over the opening weekend, which helped the film get bigger than usual footfalls.
2.50 Lakh tickets sold for free for Zara Hatke Zara Bachke over the opening weekend; producer to bear the costs for the same
According to our sources in the trade, Zara Hatke Zara Bachke sold approximately 2.5 Lakh tickets for free in its opening weekend, the cost of which was borne by producer, Dinesh Vijan. “As a part of Buy One Get One Free scheme, approximately 2,50,000 tickets were sold for free to the viewers. The average price per ticket was Rs. 250 amounting to a gross of Rs 6.25 crore. On net terms, it cost Dinesh Vijan Rs 5.30 crore,” a trade source told Bollywood Hungama.
The offer is valid today as well but on just the initial 10,000 tickets and is expected to be shut from tomorrow only to reopen over the 2nd weekend. By the end of the run, approximately 3 lakh tickets would be free to give away to the audience costing Rs. 7.50 crore to the filmmaker. The free ticket scheme sampled the film to a larger base of audience, in turn resulting in bigger returns and faster spread of audience word of mouth.
However, as the trade has been discussing, buy one get one free isn’t really an offer that is sustainable in long run for the film industry as eventually, it’s the producer who is investing the money to buy the tickets. If we remove the free ticket from the collections as also the offer of buy one get one free, the real value of Zara Hatke Zara Bachke would be around Rs 15 crore, as the free ticket aside, a section of the audience who bought tickets due to the offer, might not have purchased at a higher price.
Basically, affordable pricing is the future, and rather than giving offers as incentives, it’s best to keep pricing under check for the feature films.
Also Read: Sara Ali Khan celebrates the success of Zara Hatke Zara Bachke in her ethereal white anarkali kurta
More Pages: Zara Hatke Zara Bachke Box Office Collection , Zara Hatke Zara Bachke Movie Review
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