Veteran actor Mukesh Khanna has confirmed that the much-anticipated film adaptation of Shaktimaan is still in the works, albeit with a slight delay. Despite the lack of official updates since Sony Pictures India’s initial announcement last year, rumours continue to circulate that actor Ranveer Singh will portray the iconic superhero, with Basil Joseph, the director of Minnal Murali, at the helm.
Shaktimaan film update: Mukesh Khanna explains reasons behind the delay; says, “One film would cost Rs 200-300 crore”
Khanna recently shared on his channel, Bheeshm International, that Shaktimaan is being developed on an “international level,” assuring fans that the film is indeed happening and that every aspect of the project is being meticulously examined.
The OG Shaktimaan asserted, “Contract has been signed. Ye bohot bade level ki film hai. One film would cost Rs 200-300 crore and it will be made by Sony Pictures, the one who made Spider-Man. But it kept getting delayed, first there was the pandemic, I had announced it on my channel too that the film is happening, but…”
He further added, “I recently told someone that this is not a small film, it is a massive film and that takes time. A lot of things are happening, but I am not allowed to talk. The big question is, will I be Shaktimaan? Who will play it? I can’t reveal. But it is a commercial film, so it involves a lot of commercial talks. But main rahuga, mere bagair toh Shaktimaan nahi ban sakti ye sabko pata hai (I will be in the film, Shaktimaan can’t be made without me, everyone knows).”
According to Mukesh Khanna, he is no longer expected to make any appearances in the costume of Shaktimaan. He mentioned that this decision was made to avoid any comparisons. However, he confirmed that the film is in the works, and a formal announcement will be made soon, revealing the cast and director. Khanna emphasized that the film is being produced on an international scale, as it rightfully deserves.
Also Read: Sony Pictures International Productions set to bring the iconic ‘Shaktimaan’ to the big screen; to cast a major superstar for the trilogy
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