In a candid revelation, actor Rajesh Khattar has spoken out about his failed marriage with renowned actress Neelima Azeem. The couple tied the knot in 1990 and were blessed with a boy, Ishaan Khattar, who is an actor currently. However, their union eventually crumbled, leading to their separation in 2001. In a recent interview, Khattar went down memory lane and spoke about his past relationship.
Rajesh Khattar recalls falling in love with Neelima Azeem on “sets”; speaks on their broken marriage
During his conversation with Siddharth Kannan, Rajesh asserted, “Let me tell you one thing, if you ask someone what went wrong with their relationship, and if that relationship happened 5-10 years ago, no one has a clear answer. People just say I don’t know.”
Khattar went on to recall falling in love with Neelima. He said, “It started with friendship. We met on the set. One thing led to another, and, in fact, we landed up in Mumbai together. We have beautiful memories together.”
As the conversation progressed further, Rajesh was asked if he is still in touch with Neelima. In his response, he answered, “100 percent. Definitely. I am still in touch with her. Vandana and Neelima are good friends. They are also in touch with each other.” For the unversed, Rajesh and Vandana Sajnani have been married since 2008, and the couple was blessed with a baby boy on June 18, 2019, whom they have named Yuvaan Vanraj Khattar.
Also Read: Rajesh Khattar tests positive for Coronavirus, gets admitted to a hospital for family’s safety
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