By Anupam Mishra: Angered over his remarks, members of the Kurmi community on Wednesday gheraoed the residence of Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Dilip Ghosh. Kurmi leader Ajit Mahato said Dilip Ghosh had “humiliated” his community and demanded an apology from the Bengal BJP leader.
Kurmis had on Sunday (May 14) blocked the road when Dilip Ghosh was returning from a BJP programme in Bengal’s Jungle Mahal area, according to reports.
Members of the community questioned him on what he had done for them. Dilip Ghosh replied, “We helped the Kurmi andolan by sending rice and lentils.” This remark on Sunday left a section of the Kurmi community upset and they gheraoed the Medinipur MP’s residence.
“These words by Dilip Ghosh were derogatory. We never sought any political help. Dilip Ghosh should apologise or he will be banned from the Jungle Mahal districts,” Mahato said.
Ajit Mahato was leading the protesters, who had sticks and crowbars in their hands.
Dilip Ghosh arrived in Delhi on Wednesday morning. The BJP is now blaming the Trinamool Congress (TMC) for instigating the Kurmi community because they have a strong political presence in the Jungle Mahal area.
On Tuesday, Bengal BJP president Sukanta Majumdar apologised for Ghosh’s comments. He was asked about Dilip Ghosh’s statement on the Kurmi movement during the Rozgar Mela programme at the Eastern Zonal Cultural Centre in Salt Lake.
He said, “I think Dilip Ghosh’s words are difficult to understand. Or maybe because of the way he said it, they felt bad. The matter should not be allowed to escalate. I apologise as the BJP state president.”
Also Read: Trinamool leader’s ‘Khalistani’ remark on Bengal’s Kurmi community sparks protest