Renowned author and philanthropist Sudha Murthy recently made an appearance on The Kapil Sharma Show accompanied by Bollywood actress Raveena Tandon and acclaimed producer Guneet Monga. During the show, Sudha Murthy made an interesting observation, stating that superstar Shah Rukh Khan is taking the place of the legendary Dilip Kumar in the film industry. With her insightful remark, Sudha Murthy sparked discussions about the changing dynamics and the evolving landscape of the Indian entertainment industry.
Sudha Murthy believes Shah Rukh Khan is the ideal successor to Dilip Kumar; recalls watching Veer-Zaara
While revealing that the late actor Dilip Kumar was her hero when she was young, Murthy said that only Shah Rukh Khan can take his place in the film industry. During the episode, she asserted, “When I was young, my hero was Dilip Kumar. He was simply lajawaab. Next to him, another actor who can act with that kind of emotion is Shah Rukh Khan.”
The chairperson of Infosys further added, “When I saw Veer-Zara, I told my daughter that if Dilip Kumar was young, then he would have done Veer-Zaara and now Shah Rukh Khan is taking his place. Only he can do it.”
Meanwhile, the presence of Raveena Tandon and Guneet Monga, along with Sudha Murthy’s astute observation, added an extra layer of excitement and anticipation.
Besides SRK, Sudha Murthy also spoke about Salman Khan while explaining he was the best fit for his 2015 release Bajrangi Bhaijaan. During the episode, she recalled, “I told my daughter (Akshata Murty) that Salman Khan has the innocence of a child and only he can bring it on the screen and he is fit to do Bajrangi Bhaijaan.
Also Read: Sudha Murthy talks about being called ‘cattle-class person’ despite flying business class; Infosys Foundation Chairperson shares wise words, watch
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