Adah Sharma, the talented actress from The Kerala Story, recently shared her thoughts on the film industry and the uncertainties that come with it. In a candid conversation, she revealed that every new project she takes up fills her with a mixture of excitement and apprehension, making her wonder if it will be her last film. Despite the lingering doubts, Adah expressed her gratitude for each opportunity that comes her way.
Adah Sharma opens up about film industry uncertainties; says, “Every film I do I think that it will be my last”
In an interview with news agency ANI, Adah said, “Every film I do I think that it will be my last. Because I don’t know if I will get another chance or if someone would show faith in me again. But I think the audience’s dreams for me were always bigger. Like they would always say that Adah should have been given this or that role…I think, all those dreams are now true. I am so lucky. My dreams were always small like I wanted to play with an elephant or a dog of course. I wanted to do good roles, but never knew how many I will get.”
She further added, “When we started making this film we had this thought that it is to spread awareness among girls. I’m so glad that so many people are watching it now so they know what the actual story was about and what’s happening which was kept hidden. As an actor, you always want that people see your work. I’m glad that I got such a chance. I used to wonder if I have to be reborn like Shah Rukh Khan in Om Shanti Om to get such an opportunity in this life. But I got this and I’m really happy that people are watching the film and giving so much appreciation.”
Currently, The Kerala Story continues to find patronage among the audience. In fact, despite facing opposition in certain markets, the business of the film has been seeing growth. As things stand now, trade predictions estimate that the business of the film will see further growth over its second week running.
Also Read: The Kerala Story gets mysteriously pulled from British cinemas after not receiving age certification
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