By Shilpa Nair: Tamil Nadu Finance Minister Palanivel Thiaga Rajan’s (PTR) has been moved to the Information and Technology and Digital Services department days after the PTR audio files created a flutter in Tamil Nadu’s political circles. The MK Stalin-led Cabinet in Tamil Nadu has been reshuffled for the second time since 2021.
Now, Industries Minister Thangam Thennarasu has been made the new Finance Minister.
Last month, the state BJP had released an audio clip of Finance Minister Palanivel Thiaga Rajan’s (PTR) purported remarks about the assets of the DMK’s ‘first family’, which PTR claimed was “fabricated.”
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Meanwhile, three-time legislator and DMK IT wing secretary TRB Rajaa has been sworn in as minister and has been given the portfolio of industries minister. He took oath in the presence of Chief Minister MK Stalin and his Cabinet colleagues. Ravi administered Rajaa the oath of office and secrecy in a simple ceremony at the Raj Bhavan.
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Also, Mano Thangaraj has been moved from IT to Dairy Development and Animal Husbandry.
The developments came a day after the CM recommended to Governor RN Ravi to “induct Dr TRB Rajaa, an MLA from Mannargudi constituency, in the Council of Ministers” and Ravi approved the recommendation.
The Governor had also approved the CM’s recommendation “to drop SM Nasar, Minister for Milk and Dairy Development from the Council of Ministers,” it added.
Nasar was in the news a few months ago for allegedly hurling a stone at a party worker over some issue, a video of which had gone viral, inviting flak from various quarters.
Hours after being shifted to the Information and Technology department, PTR took to Twitter and expressed his gratefulness towards CM MK Stalin. He said his previous stint as the Finance minister was fulfilling and he was excited for the new role. He also wrote about his experience. He wished Thangam Thennarasu success.