After a high-octane month-long campaigning by political parties, Karnataka went to polls on Wednesday. Exit polls have predicted a tight contest between the Congress and the BJP in the high-stakes Karnataka Assembly polls with most pollsters giving an edge to the grand old party. India Today-Axis My India predicted a clear majority for the Congress with 122-140 seats in the 224-member assembly and gave the BJP 62-80 seats. It gave 20-25 seats to the JD (S), the third major player in the race. News 24-Today’s Chanakya also forecast a majority for the Congress with 120 seats as against 92 seats for the BJP and 12 for the JD(S). The result of the three-cornered contest between the ruling BJP, the Congress and former prime minister HD Deve Gowda’s Janata Dal (Secular) will be announced on Saturday. Stay tuned with for more updates.