With Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan, starring Salman Khan and Pooja Hegde, Palak Tiwari made her eagerly anticipated Bollywood debut. Even while Palak thoroughly won us over with her acting skills, her wardrobe also caught our attention for all the right reasons. Well, it wasn’t a surprise because everyone is aware of Palak Tiwari’s sense of style. She continued to provide style hints throughout Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan’s promotional campaigns. Given her most recent collection of photos, it is reasonable to say that Palak Tiwari is a true fashionista. According to the pictures, she appears to be rocking a multicoloured pastel co-rd set.
Palak Tiwari shines bright in a summery pastel co-ord set
Vibrant colours and relaxed fits are the hallmarks of summertime fashion. And who better to corroborate it than the Bollywood celebrities? When Palak Tiwari chose a multicoloured matching set consisting of a tube crop top and a little skirt, she made the coolest fashion statement. The strapless crop top was striped horizontally in soft pink, yellow, and green hues. She paired it with a miniskirt that also had parallel stripes. Palak looked prepared for the sweltering heat of the season by accessorising with gold hoops earrings, a stack of bracelets and white and grey trainers. She wore only a hint of kohl, lots of mascara, pink cheek colour, and sheer glossy lips.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Palak Tiwari recently featured in Kisi Ka Bhai kisi ki jaan alongside Salman Khan and will be next seen in the film Rosie: The Saffron Chapter which is a spooky horror love story. She also has horror comedy Virgin tree in pipeline.
ACTRESS: Palak Tiwari
STYLIST : Sohail Mughal
OUTFIT: July Issue
MAKE-UP & HAIR: Ankita Varkhade
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