Shruti Haasan recently attended a fan meet and greet in Chennai where she spoke about how actresses have been performing dance sequences in snow for years now and how she wants to sign a petition requesting filmmakers to stop this. However, it seems that a few mischief makers have misconstrued her statement and trolled the actress for speaking up on it. But not the one to take it lightly, Shruti responded to them stating that she has always been someone who is not afraid of speaking for something that she believes in.
Shruti Haasan gives it back to people who ‘trolled’ her for talking about actresses dancing in the snow
Shruti Haasan, in a recent statement, opened up about these kinds of trolls and said, “I have always spoken about my experiences and given my opinion about my life. As much I love the free sharing of opinions on social and mainstream media, it is really hilarious to me that something like this which many artists, including myself, have spoken about before would be so blown out of proportion today. These instances are uncalled for and I’m the kind of a person who jokes around, speaks about relevant matters in a lighter vein and some troublemakers aren’t going to change that. Troublemakers are not going to change my personality.”
For the unversed, Shruti Haasan had opened up about the way women are made to wear skimpy clothes while shooting in extremely freezing temperatures. She had said, “I completely dislike dancing in the snow. The hero can wear a jacket. But we don’t even have a jacket, coat, or shawl… absolutely nothing. We only have a blouse and saree to wear in the snow. I would like to make it a petition, and request people to stop doing that.” She had also made a reference to her recent release Waltair Veerayya, where she was seen dancing with Chiranjeevi in a sleeveless blouse whereas he was seen in a blazer.
Also Read: Shruti Haasan calls out the trend of featuring heroines in skimpy clothes in snow; says, “We don’t even have a jacket or shawl”
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