Priyanka Chopra Jonas recently witnessed the love from India when she arrived in the country, accompanied by her husband Nick Jonas and daughter Malti Marie Chopra Jonas. It was the latter’s first trip in India and besides that, the actress also spent time with the media and fans as she promoted her upcoming Amazon Prime Video series Citadel. And now, recently, fans spotted Nickyanka in London sharing some romantic moments and the photos have gone viral on social media.
Priyanka Chopra Jonas and Nick Jonas lock lips on London streets; fans address them as ‘hottest’
Priyanka Chopra Jonas and Nick Jonas, who were seen celebrating their first Easter with their daughter Malti Marie Chopra Jonas, have taken off to London. Although the reasons are yet to be revealed, it seems that fanclubs of Nickyanka were excited to see the couple in the England capital and some of their photos have found its way on Instagram. Fan clubs released a few photos, going by which it seems that Priyanka and Nick were parked outside an establishment and Nick was also seen enjoying a cup of coffee. However, as she exited the car, Priyanka was seen leaning towards her beloved hubby to give a kiss and fans seem to be going completely ‘aww’ with their romance.
Fans took to the social media post to shower their love on Nickyanka and many of them also dropped fire emojis, terming them as the ‘hottest’ couple. In fact, one fan was upset with the blurry picture and complained about the car’s front window blocking the view saying, “Beautiful, i wish i had the superpower to move the window/ front screen to see the “passionate kiss” in the 1st pic”. Another fan commented, “Wowww hot kiss!! Happy to see these lovebirds” whereas one of the users gushed, “Hottt parents smooching.” A few other well-wishers also added, “Lots of love happiness and respect to this beautiful couple and their little angel malti” and “So happy to these two lovebirds together”.
Priyanka Chopra Jonas’ much talked about spy series with Richard Madden, Citadel is expected to hit the tube on April 28 and will be streaming on Amazon Prime Video in multiple languages.
Also Read: Citadel: Priyanka Chopra Jonas and Richard Madden team up on a quest for truth in new gripping teaser; watch
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